How to Make a Difference for Refugees

Every year, the strength and resilience of refugees remind us of the challenges they face and their contributions to host communities. It's essential to reflect on these aspects and consider how we can make a difference throughout the year.

How to Make a Difference

Educate Yourself and Others

Understanding the refugee crisis is the first step. Learn about the causes of displacement, the challenges refugees face, and the policies affecting them. Share this knowledge with your network to foster empathy and awareness.
Support Refugee Organizations

Consider donating to organizations in Canada like the Canadian Council for Refugees, Refugee Council of Canada, and local resettlement agencies. Even small contributions can significantly impact refugee support efforts. These organizations provide essential services such as food, shelter, medical care, and educational opportunities. Regular donations, no matter the size, help sustain these vital programs and ensure that refugees receive the support they need to rebuild their lives.

  • Refugee 613: Supports refugees through community mobilization and education.

  • Kinbrace: Provides housing and support for refugee claimants.

  • COSTI Immigrant Services: Offers settlement, language, and employment services to refugees.

Volunteer Your Time and Skills

Many organizations in Canada rely on volunteers for mentoring, language tutoring, legal assistance, and event organization. Check with the following groups to find opportunities to get involved:

  • Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR): Offers various volunteer opportunities, including advocacy and public education.

  • Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP): Helps with sponsorship and settlement support.

  • YMCA’s Refugee Programs: Provides settlement services and volunteer roles for language tutoring and mentorship.

  • Mosaic: Based in Vancouver, this organization offers numerous volunteer opportunities to support refugees.

  • Lifeline Syria: Engages volunteers in supporting Syrian refugees in the Greater Toronto Area.

  • Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS): Provides a range of settlement services and volunteer roles.

  • Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia (ISSofBC): Offers volunteering opportunities in various capacities to support refugees.

    Volunteering your time and skills can make a profound difference in the lives of refugees. For instance, helping a refugee improve their language skills can enhance their job prospects, while offering legal assistance can help them navigate complex immigration processes.

Volunteering your time and skills can make a profound difference in the lives of refugees. For instance, helping a refugee improve their language skills can enhance their job prospects, while offering legal assistance can help them navigate complex immigration processes.

Advocate for Refugee Rights

Advocacy is crucial in influencing policies that affect refugees. Contact local representatives to support refugee-friendly legislation, participate in advocacy campaigns, and use social media to raise awareness.

Host Fundraising Events

Organise fundraising events like bake sales or charity runs to support refugee organisations. Engage your community by explaining how their contributions can help improve the lives of refugees.

Create a Welcoming Community

Welcome new arrivals to your community, offer friendship, and help them navigate their new environment. Simple acts of kindness can significantly impact refugees' sense of belonging.

Support Refugee Businesses

Many refugees start their own businesses to rebuild their lives. Support these businesses by purchasing their products or services and spreading the word about their ventures.

  • Peace by Chocolate (Nova Scotia)
    A chocolate company started by the Hadhad family, who are Syrian refugees. They create delicious chocolates and aim to promote peace and inclusion.

  • Newcomer Kitchen (Toronto, Ontario): This social enterprise began as a project to help Syrian refugee women cook and sell meals from their home country. It has since grown into a business that offers catering services and cooking classes.

Raise Awareness Through Art and Media

Use creative platforms to highlight refugee stories. Write articles, create artwork, produce films, or organize exhibitions to share the experiences of refugees. Art and media can be powerful tools for empathy and understanding.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are excellent tools for raising awareness. Use hashtags related to refugee support to reach a broader audience. Create campaigns that encourage others to share their support and stories related to refugees.

Continuing the Momentum

Efforts to support refugees should extend throughout the year. By staying informed, getting involved, and advocating for change, we can contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive world. Each action, no matter how small, helps build a future where refugees are not just seen as survivors, but as valued members of our global community.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s use our collective efforts to inspire continuous support and solidarity with refugees around the world.

Our Commitment

We at Alive House are addressing the challenges faced by refugees. We are building Alive Hub, where they can find resources tailored to their needs and receive the support they require to rebuild their lives.


We're building Alive Hub!

At Alive House, we are dedicated to understanding and addressing these challenges. By developing comprehensive resource hubs and advocating for safer, more inclusive shelters, we aim to ensure that everyone has access to the support they need. If you are aware of any resources available in Canada that could assist those experiencing homelessness, please share them with us. Together, we can work towards ending homelessness and building a supportive community for all.


Written by Simran Kaur


  • UNHCR. (2024). Supporting Refugees. Retrieved from UNHCR

  • International Rescue Committee. (2024). How to Help. Retrieved from IRC

  • Volunteer Match. (2024). Volunteer Opportunities. Retrieved from Volunteer Match

  • Refugee Council USA. (2024). Advocacy Toolkit. Retrieved from Refugee Council USA

  • Welcoming America. (2024). Creating Inclusive Communities. Retrieved from Welcoming America


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